Visit of the Minister of Information and Telecommunications Mihailo Jovanović to the C4IR Serbia

The Minister of Information and Telecommunications, Mihailo Jovanović, visited our Centre today, due to the presentation of the new functionality for reporting violence, which includes children, on the “Čuvam te” platform. The visit was also attended by Branko Stamenković, public prosecutor in the Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office and Milan Latinović, acting Director of the Office for Information Technologies and Electronic Administration. The ones present could learn about the innovative work of C4IR and hear about past and future projects of the Center.

The “Čuvam te” platform began operating in March 2021 and is a unique place where citizens can get information, find advice, answers, and guidelines for various situations and circumstances in regards of necessary support and care of children.

The development and update of this platform was presented, which will now enable online reporting of violence through a form, which is available to all citizens of Serbia. “The goal is to enable citizens to report violence in a simple way and transparently monitor the actions of competent institutions following their report. Also, the platform will contribute to increasing the responsibility of the entire system, considering that the insight into the actions will now be transparent”, said Minister Jovanović. About 2,700 entities are networked, including all primary and secondary schools, centers for social work and social protection services, police stations, health institutions, competent departmental inspections, and primary and higher public prosecutor’s offices.

You can find more about the “Čuvam te” platform and how it works here.

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