
Public Opinion Survey

Centre conducts researches on the attitudes and knowledge of Serbian citizens about genetics, genetic research, and genetic testing. The aim is to educate and raise awareness among the wider population about the importance of applying genetics in healthcare and science.
As part of this activity, the Centre, in collaboration with the National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED), conducted a survey examining public opinion in Serbia on genetics. The survey focused on several aspects of Serbian citizens’ opinions about genetics, including:
- Knowledge of genetics in general, genetic research, genetic testing, and genetic data.
- Opinions toward genetics, its application, and the benefits it provides.
- Respondents’ expectations for the future related to genetics and the benefits of its application.
The survey was conducted using the CAPI method (face to face) on a sample of 1.000 respondents aged 18 to 65. The sample of respondents is nationally representative in terms of gender, age, region, and settlement type.
Based on the conducted survey, 55% of respondents have not actively sought information about genetics so far, but the majority wants to expand their knowledge and understanding of genetics. A total of 32.7% of respondents expressed a desire to be informed through TV programs (shows), while currently, the majority of respondents gather information through internet searches (27.1%). Participants trust scientists (76%), university professors (67.1%), and doctors (64.5%) the most regarding information about genetics and the media.
As some of the survey results, it is noteworthy that 65% of respondents are willing to participate in at least one of the offered types of scientific research, namely:
- Studying the connection between an individual’s genes and specific diseases (57.6%);
- Studying the impact of genes on the body’s response to drugs (53.2% of respondents);
- Studying family or ethnic origin (48.4%);
- Studying genetics for acquiring greater scientific knowledge – without feedback (34.3%);
- Studying genetics for acquiring greater scientific knowledge – with feedback (53%).
The overall results will be published in a report on the findings and results of the public opinion survey in the coming period and will be available for download.
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