First Public Call for Master 4.0 in the Field of Bioinformatics

On Wednesday, May 22, for the first time in Serbia, the Public Call within the Master 4.0 program was officially opened for the selection of study programs for master’s in the field of bioinformatics. This initiative was jointly launched by the Ministry of Education and the Centre for the Fourth Revolution of Serbia, with the support of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development, and Innovation of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

The call is intended to all higher education institutions, scientific research organizations, and companies in the field of bioinformatics. The subject of the public call is the selection and financing of interdisciplinary master’s study programs lasting at least two semesters in the fields of bioinformatics, genomics, molecular biology, clinical data analysis, pharmacogenetics, the application of artificial intelligence in biology and medicine, as well as big data analysis. The programs should include at least one short study program from the mentioned fields, and the interdisciplinary study program can be organized according to the dual study model.

The Minister of Education, Prof. Dr. Slavica Đukić Dejanović, stated that this year’s call is a continuation of the activities of the Government of the Republic of Serbia aimed at establishing new study programs that address the needs of modern society and the economy. “The focus of this year’s call is bioinformatics, because it is important to give young people the knowledge and skills that will enable them to perform the jobs of the future, which is especially important in light of the construction and development of the BIO4 campus,” said the minister.

She pointed out that the goal of this kind of education is to provide professional staff in several scientific fields, with possible engagements in informatics, basic natural sciences, ecology, the food industry, veterinary medicine, agriculture, public health, with special importance in interdisciplinary research, and application in industry.

The first year of program implementation is planned for the 2025/2026 school year, and the establishment of three programs at different Universities in Serbia is expected.

You can find more information about the Public Call for Master 4.0 in the Field of Bioinformatics HERE.

Source: Ministry of Education.

© Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.